Episode 82 with Dr. Boyd Myers

I would like to welcome Dr. Boyd Myers to the podcast. He is a Family Physician who has adopted plant based nutrition as a lifestyle and is now interested in spreading the word to other physicians and anyone else willing to hear his story. His immediate reaction was that eating plant based will be too hard to pull off. Not uncommonly, a patient following the Pritikin diet was his inspirtation and supporter. You will get a glimpse into the thoughts of a Family Practictioner on patient relationships and the practice of medicine. You will hear his kindness and empathy as well as his desire to imporve the lives of those around him. I believe people like Dr. Myers will help spread the word to the physician community that there is a kinder more gentle approach to medicine that will help the patient and the physician achieve a better life. Contact me at with questions and visit for more information about upcoming classes and the newsletter.
Enjoy the journey.

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