Blogpost: It’s a Beautiful Morning

Friday morning and the April daily walking challenge continues. We have had a great participation for those posting on Facebook, those being motivated by those posts, and those checking in with me. Feel free to comment on your walk on this page as well.

Three-o and I started out great. One jump on the censor and we were out of the gate. We saw a few bunnies and the yellow lab was not too close to get a rise out of Three-o. The temperatures were cool for an April morning in SW Florida at 57 degrees F. Three-o had to be reminded that it was me setting the the pace a few times. Easy Three-o, Easy. We walked a sub 16 min/mile pace for the first mile which set us up for a good walk. We had no dog encounters so we remained steady. My ankle/foot/lower leg injury pings in different spots the first mile. I remind myself each time that it is so much better than it was. Just a few weeks ago we were struggling to get sub 20 minute miles while gimping along. The key is not to re injure myself. I go over what does not cause pain now and what I can do today. It is not steady upward progress everyday but overtime. Three-o finished his loop like a star, finished his treats, and Sophie and I headed back out with a restocked treat bag.

I decided to try to run a little each minute today. I paced an 86 year old on a half marathon doing 30 seconds run and 30 seconds walk. The minutes fly by. Some minutes less than 30 seconds run and some a little more according to discomfort and loss of form. No need to limp just to run today. Maybe in August. All in all got the 5.1 miles in feeling food. I hope you heard the birds sing today on your walk.


One response to “Blogpost: It’s a Beautiful Morning”

  1. Enjoy reading you blogs on the 5K Challenge.
    It is good to see you know how to restrain yourself as difficult as that might be.
    One day at a time!

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