Category: Plant-Based Wellness Podcast

  • Podcast: Episode 34 with Howard F. Lyma

    Howard Lyman is my guest. He is the author of Mad Cowboy, Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won’t Eat Meat and No More Bull. What a pleasure to speak with someone who had been on all sides of the fence. He was an organic farmer as a kid, took over the farm and…

  • Podcast: Episode 33 with Eric, an ICU nurse

    I think you will enjoy Episode 33 with Eric. He is an ICU Nurse and Director of an intensive care unit. He has had a struggle with his weight for a number of years. He has seen Forks over Knives and realizes that a plant based diet is the way to health but has had…

  • Podcast: Episode 32 – The Doc and Vinnie the cat strike again

    Welcome to the 32nd episode. Happy Birthday to my daughter Addie. Budding nutritionist. This episode discusses the lecture and dinner I attended with Dr. Furhman. There are some exciting new things on the horizon with more plant based physicians getting together in southwest Florida. Always great to have more people using food as medicine. The…

  • Podcast: Episode 31- Just me and Vinnie the cat

    Just me this week for a shorter podcast.  I just wanted to take a week and reflect on how my practice and outlook has changed since starting the podcast and the plant based nutrition class in the office.    We have a lot to do to get the work out there that food is medicine…

  • Podcast: Episode 30 with Dr. Joel Fuhrman

    This week I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He is the author of many best selling books including, Eat to Live, The End of Dieting, Super Immunity, The End of Diabetes and The Eat to Live Cookbook. He has been practicing Nutritarian nutrition for over 25 years and it you look…

  • Podcast: Episode 29 with Dustin Rudolph, PharmD

    Another PharmD that recognizes food as medicine just as Hippocrates suggested many years ago. Meed Dustin Rudolph, PharmD. He fulfilled his childhood dream to become a pharmacist and a successful one at that. He discovered the many health benefits of eating a whole food plant based diet and has written a book entitled: The Empty…

  • Podcast: Episode 28 with Evelisse Capó

    Happy Earth Day one day late. I tried. Today’s episode features Dr. Evelisse Capó. She has her doctorate in Pharmacy but after learning about the health benefits of a plant based diet and witnessing first hand the poor nutrition in our hospitalized and nursing home patients, she decided to redirect her career to plant based…

  • Podcast: Episode 27 with Sharon Livingston PhD

    Join me for a stimulating conversation with Dr. Sharon Livingston about food addiction and general feelings on eating. She brings up some great ideas to be present when eating instead of just grabbing food and eating without really enjoying the pleasure and nutrients. Her website gives some great ideas to try when you are…

  • Podcast: Episode 26 with Brenda Davis R.D.

    It was a pleasure and honor to speak with Brenda Davis, RD. She is a wealth of knowledge as a vegan registered dietitian. She is an accomplished author of 9 books on the nutritional guidelines of plant based nutrition. Her book, Becoming Vegan: Comprehensive Addition, provides detailed information on how to be a healthy vegan.…

  • Podcast: Episode 25 with Gene Baur

    Be plant strong. Be healthy. Be environmentally aware. Be compassionate. These are all things that Gene Baur so eloquently discusses in his book, Living and Farm Sanctuary Life. The stories are heart warming. It is nutritionally informative. It is a very positive and uplifting book. Gene has dedicated his life to easing the plight of…