Episode 108-Plant Strong Medicine

Welcome and thank you for listening. Nutrition as medicine. Plants as medicine. Those are the themes today. What is it to be a physician that focus on nutrition to help people become healthy. It is not much different from a diagnostic view. One needs to be able to spend time with a patient to diagnose their problems. The next step is to diagnose how their nutrition plays a role in causing and promoting thier disease. That becomes tricky because it is rarely a part of the traditional medicine discussion. We as physicians typically diagnose and then treat or problem solve. This usually means to presribe medications. It then becomes a partnership or a team approach with the patient and the physican joining to develop a plan to get to the point where their nutrition is healing and not participating in disease. It is challenging and rewarding. I look forward to the journey to achieve health working with each of my patients. Follow my posts on Instagram to see what I eat @jaimeladulaney. Check out my website at Email me at with questions. I would love to hear from you and would be glad to do a telemedicne consult with you to help you on your journey.
Thank you for listening.

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