Podcast: COVID-19, Valvular Heart Disease and Plant Based Nutrition

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Are you hunkered down worried about COVID-19?  Are you at risk? Can you prepare? It is a great time to be plant strong.  Are we bullet proof?  Of course not.  But plant strong immune competent people can take a viral attack much better than fast food, meat eating, immunodeficient folks.  

Can you exercise too much or too hard?  What do you think I will say? 

I will discuss these things and a few other pearls on this episode.  I would love to meet you in person.  Join us March 28, 2020 for a full day of plant strong wellness with speakers, great plant based breakfast and lunch, cooking demonstrations, and much more.  Go to doctordulaney.com NOW and get your tickets before the price increase Monday, March 9th.  You will not regret it.  

Thanks for listening!


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