Podcast: Road to 50 Miles Documentary: Interview with the cast and director

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  This episode is an interview with the director and cast of the documentary, The Road to 50 Miles.  Jennifer McMahon and Kara Wilson are mid pack mom runners who decide to take on the challenge to run a 50 mile endurance race called The American River 50 in Folsom, California.  Brandy Johnston is their friend and film producer that decides to document their journey.  Their positive, inspiring story is what the world needs to focus on in times where negative headlines seems to catch all the attention.  Join me in discussing their training, race plan, and fun times training and racing in our chat about the 50 miles race. 

If you have become plant based, you have taken a step outside the norm and most likely your comfort zone.  Now that you are fueling your body in a more healthy way, it is time to focus on movement to keep your mobility and strength as long as you breathe.  Follow your passion, and step outside your comfort zone.  If you need help or suggestions, check out our website at doctordulaney.com to learn more about our wellness programs.  

Road to 50 Miles: check out the links and websites

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The American River 50 

Running Your First Ultra by Krissy Moehl


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