All Posts Tagged: positive mental attitude

Blogpost: Saturday Successes

We start our walk/run a little later on Saturdays. The good news is so do others, so Three-o does not have more distractions. However, he was more in the pull mood today for the first couple of miles. He cant’ stand for someone to be in front of us. I think he is either on […]
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The sweeper is coming.  You are 15 minutes ahead of cutoff.  There are still 25 miles to go.  You have been running for 75 miles.  How do you keep your head in the game.  Part of you, a lot of you, is saying negative things.  I’m cold, tired, I did pretty good, the odds are […]
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Blogpost: Walking Challenge Participation

This month’s Wellness Practice Challenge is walking a daily 5k or 3.1 miles. I have encouraged people to post their documented walk distances and times each day on our private FB page. We have had several participants and even more people watching their posts. As the month has progressed, a few people have dipped their […]
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Podcast: Heart Disease and Optimism

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Running and Wellness Podcast Episode 464: Mental Training for Your Heart 3 minutes ago Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   As we approach Super Bowl Weekend, we will hear about how a  positive mental attitude and optimism affect high level athletics.  Why not me? Anything is possible if you believe.  […]
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Podcast: Interview with Author of Running from Cancer, Greg Schnoor

Welcome! and Thank you for listening!  Today I have a guest interview with Greg Schnoor.  He is a brain cancer survivor and ultramarathon runner.  He was diagnosed inadvertently with brain cancer in his thirties while undergoing evaluation for recurring sinus infections.  His first reaction was how will my children remember me? He attributes his success […]
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Podcast: Virtues and Plant Based Health

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Virtues: Perseverance, Patience, Courage, Accountability, and Practical Wisdom How do these virtues apply to plant based nutrition and movement?   Pride, Envy, and Intemperance.  How do these impede our success in attaining ultimate health and wellness.   Dr. Sabrina Little wrote an article in applying those virtues to sport.   Transitioning to a […]
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Podcast: Brazos Bend 50 Mile Race Report.

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Brazos Bend 50 mile race in in the books.   Today’s episode is my race report and the positive motivations observed at an ultra endurance event.  Running all day in hot humid conditions results in great family memories.  I know it seems odd, but there is something about the freedom […]
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Podcast: Thank you Samantha

Welcome! and thank you for listening.  I am a plant based cardiologist and also a vegan.  As many of you know our family has rescue dogs and cats.  This week I had to say goodbye to my beloved GSD rescue, Samantha.  It was more that she rescued me from the heart break of losing a […]
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Blogpost: Boosting Immunity and Have Faith

Somewhere along the way, we lost our childlike faith that our bodies are amazingly resilient and can handle most of what our environment throws at us. Perhaps it was after a trauma or just living enough years to know that bad things can happen to good, unsuspecting people. Of course there is another way to […]
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Podcast: Learning from Julie and Nannette

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Today I have two guests, Nannette Rogers and Julie Kermond.  They are both teachers, but now they do their work outside of the classroom.  It this does not inspire you, then you need to take a walk and listen again.  Nannette is 84 and Julie is 76.  They are […]
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