Tag: weight loss

  • Podcast: Calories versus Weight

    Welcome!  Thank you for listening.   What is a whole food? What is a clean food?  Those terms are thrown around with authority and ultimately blend into just food.  If you ask most people on a diet, they will throw out that they are eating 1200 calories a day.  That seems to be the magic number…

  • Blogpost: Dehydration is Not a Weight Loss Hack

    While out running on a sunny, humid Florida morning, I passed a fellow walking in a sweat suit.  I have been running in my neighborhood for about 14 years.  I vary the streets and route but see the same few people most mornings with the occasional new person.   Exercisers come and go and only a…

  • Podcast: Can You Exercise Yourself Skinny?

    https://www.amazon.com/Burn-Research-Really-Calories-Healthy/dp/B08FL6Y69D/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2LD1P9GEGT1WK&dchild=1&keywords=burn+in+book&qid=1626479078&sprefix=burn+in+%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-5 Welcome! snd Thank you for listening! I am sure you have heard it takes so many minutes of exercising to burn off a donut? Some people say thy have a slow metabolism and cannot loose weight on any diet.  Some people say you need to eat to loose weight because you need to stoke…

  • Podcast: Weight Loss Made Simple

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  January is the month for weight loss.  Get it off and move on.  Or, return to eating like you want to.  That is not the recipe for health, but a quick fix at best.   How do you loose weight without suffering?  How do you reverse lifestyle diseases and also…

  • Half Way Through the Year… Time to Check In!

    A Thursday Thought from Dietitian Addie We check our email, we check how many likes or followers we have on social media, but how often do we truly check in on our health? Typically, we pay attention to our health when something goes wrong or at the first of the year when the hot topic…

  • Make Health & Body Image a Priority – You Don’t Have to Choose.

    A Thursday Thought from Dietitian Addie An opinion piece came out this weekend in the NY Times that was titled, “Smash the Wellness Industry.” It has stirred a lot of praise, high fives, and “yeah, me too’s” being shouted from those who have ever been manipulated by a fad diet. And let’s be honest, most…

  • Podcast: 4th Annual Charlotte County Plant Based Nutrition Recap

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  The 4th Annual Charlotte County Plant Based Nutrition Conference was a success.  I believe the best conference we have done yet! Many thanks to Lynda Albert our event cohost, Addie Majnaric, RDN, Eric O”Grey, Alan Goldhamer and our chef, Cheffy Bowman.  I would also like to thank our sponsors…

  • Podcast Episode 186-If you believe in what you are doing, there is not a wall that is too hard to climb

    Welcome and thank you for listening. This episode is about obstacles to eating plant based and how you might deal with them. When people are just learning what a whole foods plant based diet is, they are often tripped up by hidden ingredients. We have been so removed from our food sources that some people…

  • Blogpost-Choose Plant Based Nutrition to Achieve Optimal Body Composition and Performance

    I just completed Ironman Chattanooga last weekend.  While being around the athlete village for three days and racing, I observed every body size and type imaginable in all age groups. That might come as a surprise given the magazines and TV coverage of endurance athletics.  So one might conclude that it does not matter what…

  • Blogpost: A Letter to Visitors in Your Home

    Dear friends and relatives coming to visit, We are anxiously awaiting your arrival and hope spend the days showing you are favorite places and catching up on what is new.  It seems as though the world is becoming a more unhealthy place.  Our oceans are suffering from algae blooms and plastics.  Our fish and wildlife…