Tag: food for your family
Podcast: Discussing Childhood Obesity with Addie Majnaric, RDN
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. I am joined by Addie Dulaney Majnaric, RDN today to discuss childhood obesity. This week is National Childhood Obesity Week. In contrast to adults, weight is assessed by percentiles of the ratio, weight to height, by age and sex. Greater than the 95th% percentile is considered obese and greater…
Podcast: Summertime Fun with Addie Majnaric, RDN
Welcome! and Thank you for listening!. Summertime fun is here along with BBQs and picnics. What is a plant based person to do? How can you possible have fun or even survive? Addie Majnaric, RDN joins me today to discuss our upcoming Zoom Nutrition Conference June 16, 2021 where we will address those things and…
Podcast: Let’s Just Agree to Disagree
Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Why does controversy seem to get the most attention? Shocking news! Those doctors can’t make up their minds what is healthy. They want us sick? Healthy is not good for the economy. You can win more friends with maple syrup than vinegar. Unless, you are Dr. Esselstyn who…