Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Why does controversy seem to get the most attention? Shocking news! Those doctors can’t make up their minds what is healthy. They want us sick? Healthy is not good for the economy.
You can win more friends with maple syrup than vinegar. Unless, you are Dr. Esselstyn who loves balsamic vinegar. Today I chat about what we all believe is healthy. The facts that we agree on when it comes to nutrition. We all agree that the risk factors for lifestyle diseases are the same whether it is cancer, heart disease, or diabetes. We are learning more about our gut microbiome everyday and its role in disease and health with regards to our immune system. So if we use a little common sense, and apply what we know to a food such as red meat for instance, it is hard to say that it will not cause disease when it contains all the ingredients of disease that we agree on.
Why must we take time to debate how much of a bad thing we can tolerate instead of how much of a good thing can we benefit from? How do we put together a plate that will do us the most good not cause us the least harm.
The most important thing you will do today is centered around maintaining the health of you and your love ones. Not money. Not things. Not places. You have the opportunity to positively impact the health of you and your family. Do not miss that opportunity by picking up process food in a plastic container or box. Prepare and present food that looks good, tastes good, and is good for you and your family. Set a healthy example of activity and enjoy the process.
Thanks for listening. Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
website: doctordulaney.com. Reserve your spot for our immersion week in March or purchase tickets to our Plant Based Wellness Conference March 28, 2020.
Pick up a copy of our book at eventbrite.com/e/fifth-annual-charlotte-county-plant-based-wellness-conference-tickets-71110289791?
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