Happy Birthday to the podcast. A year without missing a week. It has been amazing and educational. I cannot begin to thank my guests for their generosity with their time and honesty. I have learned a great deal and met some fabulous people. This episode is a fitting summary of the plant based move movers and shakers. Dedicated people hoping to share the simplistic solution to diseases of lifestyle all while helping the planet. This group is made up of compassionate individuals that walk the walk and are positive roll models in a world of deception. In my book Dr. Esselstyn, Dr. T. Colin Campbell, and Dr. Dean Ornish are heroes. This episode give a taste of their main points at the conference and more. I hope to have many of the people I met at the conference on the show. With questions please contact me at jamidulaney@gmail.com. My website is doctordulaney.com and I am posting recipes on Instagram at jaimeladulaney.
Bonnie Lynch
Thank you so much, Jami, for sharing what you learned at the conference, and for your podcast in general. You’re really inspiring me as a plant-based eater, as an athlete, and a person who can help change the world.
One tiny request: could you record your voice at a higher volume? Your intro music is at a nice level, but when your voice comes on, it’s very quiet.
Thank you again for all you do, and please keep up the good work!
Paul Willsey
I enjoy your podcasts, and listen to every one. In the Plant Based Nutrition Conference podcast, you mentioned a book you bought on Fermentation. I am interested in fermenting vegetables. What is the name of the book?
Dr. Dulaney
Thank you. The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World