This episode is dedicated to the French people as they stand strong the day after the horrific terrorist attack in Paris. My heart goes out to all affected by this tragety.
Something positive happens everyday. You are not your disease. Your are a person with a challenge. These are some of the messages Dr. Goldner lives by. She is a true healer and the definition of what a medical doctor should be. She healed herself through plant based nutrition and is now dedicated to helping others. She is a light house of positivity and encouragement. Check out her book: Goodbye Lupus. How a Medical Doctor Healed Herself Naturally. Her website is You will not be sorry.
If you have questions please contact me at Our next nutrition class starts December 9, 2015 for 6 sessions. We are planning a day long semiar January 23, 2016. It is a great time to visit Florida.
Peace to all.
♡ Thank you for interviewing Dr. Goldner!!! \0/
Partway through listening, the audio stopped and then disappeared. Refreshing the page or searching for it in another tab on my browser doesn’t make it appear again. Can you please repost the interview on your site?
Thank you!
Dr. Dulaney
Perhaps try to download from