Podcast Episode 114: Have Courage and All Will Be Well

Welcome to episode 114. Have courage, be kind and all will be well…Cinderella. I will take it one step back and expand. Most of us start this plant based journey by being curious. Is there a better way of eating to achieve optimal health? How much change is enough? Why has this way of eating not been presented before? If can then progress to dipping your foot into the world of eating vegetarian or diving all the way to a no oil plant based way of eating. How do you find the courage? A lot of us would like to know the outcome before we commit to change. Will it be worth it? We all know that life does not work that way and we accept that in when forging into change that we want. It takes confidence in the benefits of eating plant based and cooking to continue on the path. There are potential obstacles that may be perceived as mountains or mini speed bumps. Sometimes it is easier not too look at ourselves and our shortcoming so we can avoid the uncomfortable process of initiating change. Are you too busy to be healthy? Busy is a choice that you get to decide. Busy is a personal decision. There is always a way to find time to do what you really want to do. We make those choices everyday. Let me help you think outside the box. Email me at and check out my website at Thank you as always for listening.

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