Welcome and thank you for listening. It is breast cancer awareness month. Most awareness is about detection and donating money for a cure. What about prevention? I do not believe fear is the answer but insead, empowerment. What can we do as individuals to protect against cancer or prevent it’s recurrence? It takes attention and commitment. Nutrition plays a huge role. Eating animal protein stimulates the growth of tumor cells. How much? Dr. Campbell’s reseach shows an association even with 6% of calories coming from animal protein. As it goes over 10% there is a marked increase. Eating cruciferous vegetables and green leafy vegetables slows the growth of cells. There is no down side to a diet high in fruit and vegetables along with whole grains. Increasing your fiber decreases your risk. Being overweight is associated with increased cancer risk. Lean up to help yourself.
I heard some very good advise today about being mindful while running and listening to the Finding Mastery Podcast with Robert Rabbin. I discussed his suggestions with regard to adopting a whole foods plant based diet. To paraphrase, he shared to speak truthfully, listen intently, be creative, be present and pay attention