Podcast Episode 49 with Plant-Fueled Trucker

I finished the Morgantown Marathon with my daughter, Addie this week. It was a spectacular day as we crossed the finish line her boyfriend was there on one knee to propose. If you track me down on Facebook you can see the video. I could not be happier for her and Nathan and look forward to joining our families.
Today’s interview is with Bobby of Plant-Fueled Trucker. He was 330 pounds and depressed. He had tried numerous times to loose weight unsuccessfully. He watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and got the courage to try one more time. He did not feel juicing was for him but has had great success with John McDougall’s, The Starch Solution. The reality is Bobby became energized becoming plant based. He has done his homework and is now innovating plant based cooking long distance trucking. Enjoy this humble man’s journey and insightful perspective on nutrition change and accountability. You can find him on Facebook and Twitter at PlantFueledTrkr. You can contact me at and I am also on Facebook at JaimelaDulaney and @jaimeladulaney. Thanks for listening.

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