All Posts Tagged: recovery drinks

Podcast: Endothelial Cells and COVID-19; What you Need to Know

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Don’t eat that burger, it will destroy your endothelial cells.  That statement would make someone plant based immediately; correct? Vaping damages your lungs making you more susceptible to infections. How about high cholesterol is a risk factor for multiple sclerosis as is diabetes and being overweight.  That animal fat […]
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Blogpost: Boosting Immunity and Have Faith

Somewhere along the way, we lost our childlike faith that our bodies are amazingly resilient and can handle most of what our environment throws at us. Perhaps it was after a trauma or just living enough years to know that bad things can happen to good, unsuspecting people. Of course there is another way to […]
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Blogpost: Sports Drinks and Recovery Drinks: Harm or Good?

The pros are doing it. Why not us regular folks? Drink chocolate milk to recover from triathlon training, touts a famous female triathlete. She is a fabulous athlete that is sponsored by the milk industry, and I would give anything to run like she does. Will chocolate milk make me faster, stronger, and less likely […]
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