Podcast: Happy Thanksgiving

Welcome! and Thank you for listening!

Happy Plant Strong Thanksgiving.  I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with gratitude and nutrients to make you and your family happy and healthy into the New Year.  

When did Thanksgiving first become a holiday of overindulgence?   Joshepha Hale  lobbied to get Thanksgiving to be an official United States Holiday in 184 , and it was she who wrote the first official menu that included turkey.   It was not until 1989 that George Bush Senior pardoned the first turkey at the White House.  

We all have fond memories of holidays, and luckily, the stressful parts become funny stories for the future.   I don’t believe I have heard anyone reference a particular year when the food was the best.  It is really the fiascos that make the memory books.  Yet, we continue to try to make each holiday storybook perfect.  

This podcast touches on a few of those traditions in my house, and touches on my current Thanksgiving menu which is nothing like it was when I was young.  I am thankful for my family, their health, and my friends.   I am grateful for the support of my members and podcast followers.  I appreciate the opportunity to provide healthcare and guidance to those trusting me with their care.  You are all a part of my family.  

If you would like to give the gift of health this year, Addie and I have decided to offer a Zoom nutrition class demonstrating how to take 2 regular breakfast, lunch and dinners and make them plant based.  We will do a discussion on the health benefits of a plant based diet and take questions.  The recording will then be available for a week after for those gift card holders to view.  Below is a link to purchase. 

Thank you for listening. 

Email me at for questions and more information.  

One Comment
  1. Reply

    This podcast had my mouth watering 🙂 I think your “Healthy Ticket” is a great idea to help people figure out where to start when trying to eat plant-based. Thanks for all you and Addie do to help others (people you do not even know) get healthy and feel better!

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