Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Plant based nutrition is a very effective method to reverse lifestyle diseases such as coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. Eating plant based and only plant protein sources is associated with a decrease in cancer and cancer recurrences. People with kidney disease can have a slowing of the progression by eating plant based and eliminating sources of animal protein.
You would think something so effective would be embraced widely and supported by friends and family. The reality is that many can’t seem to pull it off. Why is healthy food admonished? Why is it cool to eat junk food and overeat? Why do some people believe it will not work for them? What is a reasonable price to pay for health?
Nike says, “Just do it”. My father used to say, “buck up”. I hear I am trying, or I have a lot of excuses. The effort comes from a commitment from within. I am healthy. Therefore, I do not eat that. I lament on these topics and more in today’s podcast. I hope you enjoy.
Want to buy a plant based gift of a free zoom cooking class? Check out our website for details.
Check out the website at doctordulaney.com
Email me at jami@doctordulaney.com
Pick up a copy of our book; Plant Based Wellness Cookbook, the Doctor, the Dietitian, and the Diva.https://www.amazon.com/Plant-based-Wellness-Cookbook-Generations-Cooking/dp/1733967702/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-nc-drs1_0?cv_ct_cx=doctor+diva&dchild=1&keywords=doctor+diva&pd_rd_i=1733967702&pd_rd_r=5ea2ba98-f20b-42bf-a395-2411169e0a92&pd_rd_w=kV1w0&pd_rd_wg=cFSqJ&pf_rd_p=84ce0865-d9ca-42e3-87ed-168be8f93162&pf_rd_r=2XYJEV4BDFZ6AM1FT8RY&psc=1&qid=1605895963&sr=1-1-88388c6d-14b8-4f70-90f6-05ac39e80cc0
Thank you for listening.
Judy Trepton
Happy Thanksgiving, Dr. “D”, Dawn, and Barbara.
Miss seeing your smiling faces; think of you often and wish you all the best.
I’d be remiss, Dr. “D” if I didn’t include a sincere “thank you” for setting me on the path to taking better care of myself.
with a grateful heart, judy trepton
Dr. Dulaney
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
Linda B Troupe
Dear Dr. Dulaney,
Another “home run” for Podcast #279! So timely, helpful with information is right on target! Thank you..
Boy oh boy was this a “put your big boy pants on” and get healthy! Anyone that is feeling sick and tired of being sick and tired needs to listen to this podcast. This was a motivating, truthful, caring and urgent discussion on how and why a plant-based lifestyle is the magic pill to regaining your health. This is the best New Year’s Resolution anyone can make for themselves and their loved ones!