Podcast: Let’s put a Little Compassion Back into our Lives

Welcome! and Thank you for Listening.  Welcome Caleb James to the world at 11:32 pm on Thursday evening.  I am so thankful for a healthy grandson, daughter and son in law.  

Today’s podcast is about putting compassion and common sense back into health care.  We had a scare with COVID testing that could have turned out much worse for no sound medical reasoning.  After having been in health care in many different settings, I have some observations and suggestions. 

Perhaps the theme today is harmony.  Let’s all just get along.  You, me, bacteria, viruses, and every other creature.  Yes, I know there is a struggle that is called life, but perhaps we are making it more impersonal and complicated than it needs to be.

Do you like bread?  I will share my thoughts.  

I rant a little today, but mainly I am grateful for the gift of life.  Enjoy!

We have the solution to taking back control over your health and we would love to share it with you.  Visit our website at doctordulaney.com

thank you


3 responses to “Podcast: Let’s put a Little Compassion Back into our Lives”

  1. Candy Sanders Avatar
    Candy Sanders

    Love your passion AND compassion! Congratulations on becoming a mom-mom!❤ Hope to see you and possibly Addie next time we visit Lynda

    1. Dr. Dulaney Avatar
      Dr. Dulaney

      thank you

  2. Donna Avatar

    The Berrys feel very blessed that we found you and have you as our family doctor. We get personalized attention, compassion and doctor office visits the same day, if needed. The biggest impact has been improving ALL the Berrys (Donna 60, Chris 60 and Sally 82) overall health ( By going plant based everyone that was on meds is now off them, losing weight was a nice byproduct and proving through blood work that eating plants is the end all cure all) BUT just as important are all the life long relationships we have formed with your practice. It really is PRICELESS!!!

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