All Posts Tagged: heart health

Podcast: Why we look like our dogs, but should eat like herbivores.

Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Who domesticated who? Our canine friends are most likely descendants from wolves over 14,000 years ago. In fact, when people say you look like your dog, they are not that far off genetically when you look at our shared microbial DNA. Some of my veterinarian collogues are realizing the […]
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Blogpost: How much weight can you exercise off?

Most people blame the lack of exercise for weight gain. If only they had more time or discipline to exercise their weight would be better. Gym memberships are as common as Netflix accounts, but we still have an obesity problem in this country. I see the same 3 people walking on my morning runs. No […]
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Blogpost: That One Second Decision

Everything was going great. You had your morning oatmeal with flaxseed and blueberries and did your morning walk.  You pull into Starbucks to order a tall black coffee and in a split second before the barrister takes your order you change to a venti Christmas Ginger Latte with whipped cream.  You drink it and in […]
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Blogpost: How Does Your Nutrition Plan Hold Up on Thanksgiving?

By this time most people have their Thanksgiving dining plans finalized.  We all grew up with our own traditions and memories.   I hope you are surrounded by friends and family and are enjoying happiness and good health.   Interestingly,  most people in our practice said they would be dining  out or going to another […]
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Blogpost: American Heart Association Says Just Move!

New physical activity guidelines were released by the American Heart Association (AHA) at the annual meeting.  They added to the current guidelines.  However, approximately 80% of Americans are currently not meeting the previous guidelines.  What!  Of course physicians are quick to point the finger and pull out presciption pads to write for BP and cholesterol […]
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Blogpost: What is Your Purpose for Eating Out?

When I was growing up, my family would go out to dinner occasionally on Saturday night.  I can recall about three or four restaurant choices.  We got dressed up and were joined by my parents friends.  It was a time that I learned to sit in a chair and learn appropriate behaviors.  There were few […]
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