All Posts Tagged: lifestyle disease reversal

Podcast: Consistency and Nutrient Intake: Too much or not enough?

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  The key to most any improvement in health or performance is consistency.  Day after day, year after year, consistent implementations of actions that lead to a certain goal.  There is no stagnation.  There is only improvement or decline.  But how do we stay consistent?  Lofty goals are not great […]
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Podcast: Atrial Fibrillation and Plant Based Nutrition

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Atrial fibrillation is one of the most common arrhythmias that people develop.  It can require hospitalization as well as long term medications that can have side effects.  I am often asked whether a plant based diet can prevent or reverse such arrhythmias.  The answer is possibly yes.  Yes, if […]
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Podcast: Why oh Why Do That

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Happy Earth Day! My mangos are growing.  My different varieties of tomatoes are flourishing on my tower garden.  Parsley and dill are thriving in the raised beds along with kale and swiss chard.  If you have not seen Kiss the Ground, check it out.  You will want to make […]
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Podcast: Food Matters

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   I think most people listening to this podcast believe that plant based nutrition can prevent and reverse lifestyle diseases.  But what about infectious diseases?  Do we fight infectious diseases or not let them get a hold in the first place?  Is sterilizing the environment with chemicals and prophylaxis  with […]
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Blogpost: A few counter points for your carnivore friends

Most lifestyle diseases occur beginning in adulthood around age 40. While genetics do play a small role, the majority of time, the environment is the initiator. In other words, environmental factors accelerate abnormal genes as well as create DNA damage that results in eventual disease. When it comes to nutrition, people can eat a very […]
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Podcast: Have the Courage and all will be fine

Welcome! and Thank you for listening!  Why do some people seem to make the transition to plant based nutrition so easy and others struggle.  Why does there have to be pain before people make a change.   I have been treating people with lifestyle diseases my whole career, and it has only been since incorporating […]
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