All Posts Tagged: reversing diabetes

Podcast: My Why for Treating Heart Disease

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  This podcast was recorded on January 4, 2023.  Turns out it was the day my grandmother died 54 years ago at age 72.   She died of a massive myocardial infarction after having had diabetes for 20 plus year.  Her only medication was an oral hyperglycemic medication.  Pacemakers were new […]
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Podcast: Treasure Coast Marathon Interviews

Welcome! and thank you for listening.  This episode features four runners that are members of our wellness practice that have taken control of their own health and stepped into an endurance training regimen culminating in finishing the Treasure Coast half and whole marathons.  We often hear people say, “when I get healthy, I’m going to […]
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Podcast: Food Matters

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   I think most people listening to this podcast believe that plant based nutrition can prevent and reverse lifestyle diseases.  But what about infectious diseases?  Do we fight infectious diseases or not let them get a hold in the first place?  Is sterilizing the environment with chemicals and prophylaxis  with […]
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Podcast: Treasure Coast Marathon with Hutch Strahm

Welcome and Thank you for listening!! I am joined on this episode with apprentice endurance athlete in training Pastor Hutch Strahm.  We ran the Treasure Coast marathon this past weekend together along with Michael Hubbard.  It was the first marathon ever for Hutch who had not run a step in many years.  He started his […]
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Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Plant based nutrition is a very effective method to reverse lifestyle diseases such as coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.   Eating plant based and only plant protein sources is associated with a decrease in cancer and cancer recurrences.  People with kidney disease can have a slowing of […]
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Podcast: The Yin and Yang

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Yes and no, black and white, mobile and stiff, yin and yang, win or loose.  What is the penalty for changing your mind?  We all agree change is a must, unless it has to do with your opinion or viewpoint.  We change our hair style and our clothes style. […]
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Podcast: Reversing Diabetes to Improve Your Immune Function

Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Covid-19 continues to dominate healthcare concerns.  We are all becoming experts at social distancing and hand washing. This is a time to improve our baseline health so that we can survive these seemingly more virulent infections. Our body’s immune system is our best line of defense, but when we […]
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