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There are many variations on plant based nutrition. In this episode we will discuss the merit of a diet predominately of raw fruit and vegetables. We will discuss all the controversies around grains and fruit as well as making each day just a little bit better nutritionally.
80 10 10 are numbers we all hear about, but the first to coin the phrase for Plant Based Nutrition was Dr. Douglas Graham. The numbers represent the percentages of macronutrients in the raw nutrition profile many plant based physicians recommend. 80 percent carbohydrate, 10 percent protein, and 10 percent fat. Dr. Graham and I will discuss the merits of eating those raw with minimal processing. Good news! The food can be purchased all in the produce section.
This interviews discusses a few pearls of good health.
1. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables.
2. Eat and move to achieve your desired outcome.
Dr. Graham is the author of not only the 80/10/10 Diet but multiple other including Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Check out his website for the many books as well as upcoming retreats that he is conducting in Costa Rica.
Instagram: drdouggraham
Facebook: drdouglasgraham
Email me with question at jami@doctordulaney.com
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