Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Today I have a plant based strong man on the podcast. Nathan Majnaric, SCCC, CSCS. Most plant based athletes lean toward the endurance world so it is great to have the opportunity to speak with a powerlifter, strength coach, and a blue belt in jujitsu that is not only fueled by plants, but has improved on plants. It was not a compromise but an asset to fuel plant based while continuing to advance in his chosen sports but also from a basic health standpoint.
Most lifestyle diseases are a result of impaired metabolism. Our muscles are a major user of energy, and the organelle that is the power plant of the cell is the mitochondria. As we lose muscle mass, we lose mitochondria. This leads to impaired energy utilization as well as the risks of falls and brain perfusion of nutrients. Bottom line, we all need to train to maintain our muscle mass or regain muscle mass if lost through inactivity. It can be the difference in living independently or the ability to participate actively in life.
We will discuss approaches to strength training as well as fueling for recovery. How much and how often or is anything better than nothing are often topics of concern.
Given Nathan’s diverse training experience, we feel comfortable of offering online training programs specifically designed for an individual’s goal. We will also begin to offer limited personal instruction for those with specific needs and the desire to have a someone that can interact with them to achieve a specific goal.
If you have interest, you can email the practice at info@doctordulaney.com,
nathan@doctordulaney.com, addie@doctordulaney.com or jami@doctordulaney.com for more information.
Book: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq
https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. discount code: cleanwaterforsophie
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