Tag: plant strong athletes

  • Podcast: Can You Exercise Yourself Skinny?

    https://www.amazon.com/Burn-Research-Really-Calories-Healthy/dp/B08FL6Y69D/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2LD1P9GEGT1WK&dchild=1&keywords=burn+in+book&qid=1626479078&sprefix=burn+in+%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-5 Welcome! snd Thank you for listening! I am sure you have heard it takes so many minutes of exercising to burn off a donut? Some people say thy have a slow metabolism and cannot loose weight on any diet.  Some people say you need to eat to loose weight because you need to stoke…

  • Podcast: Hurricane Free Food

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening!.  Elsa is off the west coast of Florida, and I am reporting in as safe.  The threat of a hurricane adds some stress to daily life.  It also requires preparing for potential days without power.  It usually mean a few days inside watching the wind and the rain.  It…

  • Podcast: Cherry Picking Data Serves only the Picker.

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening! I have not been cherry picking but I have been mango picking.  Florida mangos are the best as far as I am concerned.  But that is just my biased opinion based on a couple of really good local varieties.   Before I had a local mango, I thought the little…

  • Podcast: Happy Plant Based Father’s Day!

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening!  Happy Father’s day!   I hope all the fathers out there are getting a healthy hearty meal this father’s day.  This episode will speak to healthy celebration foods and maintaining those big muscles by eating plants!. Ketosis is associated with fat loss but also Dexa scan proven muscle loss.  Those…

  • Podcast: Running and Heart Disease with Ashland Dave

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Today, I have the pleasure of interviewing Dave Klisz from the podcast: Running in the Center of the Universe.  Dave is an ultra runner and describes himself as an ordinary middle of the pack runner.  He is in the 50-55 age group, and is now experiencing friends that are…

  • Podcast: Summertime Fun with Addie Majnaric, RDN

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening!.  Summertime fun is here along with BBQs and picnics.  What is a plant based person to do?  How can you possible have fun or even survive?   Addie Majnaric, RDN joins me today to discuss our upcoming Zoom Nutrition Conference June 16, 2021 where we will address those things and…

  • Podcast: Play Plant Strong

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening!  Happy First Birthday to my Grandson Caleb! Today I would like to celebrate movement.  You are never too old to play.  I had a great time playing with the Plant Based Striders last weekend.  We took hardware (placed) in every age category that we participated in.  Fabulous!  The smiles…

  • Podcast: Happy Birthday Addie Majnaric, RDN

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening!.  Happy Birthday to my favorite plant based RDN, Addie Majnaric!!  Time to gently stir fry Addie or perhaps just embarrass her a little.   It has not been easy being the daughter of a plant based Cardiologist.  Some would guess that there were many perks along the way, and things…

  • Podcast: Happy Birthday to the Diva!

    Welcome! and Thank you for listening! Happy 88th birthday to the Diva, Alfreda Dulaney/Mom.  At 5’1″ she sets the bar high for living life large.  My mother was one of the early active moms.  She worked two jobs, ran the household which was eventually two, rode bikes, played pick up softball, transported to various practices…