Podcast: Cherry Picking Data Serves only the Picker.

Welcome! and Thank you for listening! I have not been cherry picking but I have been mango picking.  Florida mangos are the best as far as I am concerned.  But that is just my biased opinion based on a couple of really good local varieties.  

Before I had a local mango, I thought the little yellow honey mangos in the grocery store were good.  I have been to local mango tastings where there were over 40 varieties, and people would give their opinions as to which were best.  We all have our biases, and that is what I want to discuss today. 

It is quite popular these days of internet communication to debunk others opinion with data that is, well, cherry picked.  Most good research will discuss their findings and note that while it seems the case, more research is needed.  Nothing is as it seems.  Life is complicated, and there are many variables.  It is easy to get caught up in what we want to believe and what suits our beliefs.  It is difficult but necessary to listen to conflicting views.

Weight loss and optimum health is not as easy as some would like your to believe.  However, we all have some common grounds that I believe would make a lot of people a lot healthier.  I’ll share those with you on this podcast. 

I also believe health is a personal decision.  My goals for my life are not necessarily yours.  Defining your goals will make it a lot easier to define what you need to do nutritionally and functionally to achieve them.  They are personal and need to be respected.  However, those goals are not wishes that may or may not come true.  You can have real input into your health journey.  I hope this episode helps you to define your goals more clearly, and sort through some of the cherry picked data out there.  

Thanks for listening.  Email me at with questions.  Go on over to for more information. 

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  1. Reply
    Kaaren Baudais

    Oh my goodness. That was an awesome podcast . You made it very informative to anyone who may be considering plant based and I liked how you talked about weight , exercise and choices, You were informative without being pushy and it’s people like you who set a good example and may inspire others to choose a healthy lifestyle. It inspired me to do more strength training . Keep up the good work.

    • Reply
      Dr. Dulaney

      Thank you for listening!

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