All Posts Tagged: wellness

Podcast: Author Mel Weinstein of Fast Food Ingredients Revealed

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  This podcast features author and chemist Mel Weinstein.  After working in industry for many years he became fascinated with processed food ingredients.  He shared that every ingredient in food has a purpose.  Most are to provide shelf life, texture, and stability.  As time has passed more of these ingredients […]
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Podcast: Austin Rattler 50K Race Recap

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  The Austin Rattler 50K trail run is in the books.  The race venue was Reveille Peak Ranch which is a 1300 acre ranch which hosts various endurance events and even hunting courses.   Three 10 mile loops to completion on various terrains made it a very interesting event.  Ultra running […]
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Podcast: Interview with Author of Running from Cancer, Greg Schnoor

Welcome! and Thank you for listening!  Today I have a guest interview with Greg Schnoor.  He is a brain cancer survivor and ultramarathon runner.  He was diagnosed inadvertently with brain cancer in his thirties while undergoing evaluation for recurring sinus infections.  His first reaction was how will my children remember me? He attributes his success […]
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Podcast: Strong People Remember More

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Who had a better memory, Popeye or Olive?  How about Brutus?  I will give you a hint, Wimpy was in big trouble.  Today’s episode I will discuss strength vs. muscle mass or size when it comes to protecting your brain from decline.  The good news is that you can […]
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Podcast: Who is Taking the Risk and Who Benefits?

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Patients rights.  Informed consent.  Who really benefits from these concepts? If I inform you of the risks and benefits they are supposed to be to the best of my knowledge.  You would need to know the depth of my knowledge to fully understand that.  The other problem is when […]
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Podcast: Making a Health Journey Plan and Sticking to IT

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  What are your health journey goals? How about your movement goals?  Do you have a plan to achieve the goals or are you just floating through life hoping for a good outcome?  Most people are told that you cannot reverse lifestyle diseases.  They just happen and you must adjust […]
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Podcast: Medical Decision Making

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  I am a plant based practicing allopathic physician.  I see people in the office, the hospital, the nursing home, at home and virtually.  I am at my best in person.  My job is to educate and to support.  I graduated in 1987 and I have been a doctor everyday […]
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Podcast: Taking Control of Your Healthspan

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Donanemab for Alzheimers. Muscle fatigue and its affect on your heart and lungs. Fitness affects on cancer risk and mortality Hypertension treatment and risks. How do these things affect your quality of life?  I believe that you have more control than you realize.  Are you worrying?  Are you living […]
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Podcast: Virtues and Plant Based Health

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Virtues: Perseverance, Patience, Courage, Accountability, and Practical Wisdom How do these virtues apply to plant based nutrition and movement?   Pride, Envy, and Intemperance.  How do these impede our success in attaining ultimate health and wellness.   Dr. Sabrina Little wrote an article in applying those virtues to sport.   Transitioning to a […]
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