Blogpost: How Hard is it Being Plant Based?

The consensus from most dietary organizations is that a vegan diet is sustainable, BUT you must pay attention to get enough nutrients. This hinders people from changing their diets because of FEAR that they will do harm. The ironic thing is that the Standard American Diet is lacking in a variety of micronutrients and fiber and abundant in calories and toxins. If the “authorities” argue, how can you win? You may as well eat what you want and the lifestyle diseases can be treated with medications and procedures.

We do not for the most part eat isolated macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fat and protein. They are combinations. The typical proteins of beef, pork, chicken, and fish are protein and fat with cholesterol. Fruits, and vegetables are mainly carbohydrate with a little protein. Grains and beans are carbohydrate, protein and fat. Sugar, honey, and maple syrup are simple carbohydrates. Butter, ghee, and plant oils are fat. Only plants have fiber. We need energy to fuel out bodies that comes from carbohydrates and fat. Our energy needs are based on our lean body mass.

So how do you get enough of all of those? How do you not get too much of the nutrients and toxins that do not serve you? We help you look at your plate and adjust it to fit your health status and health goals. Eating healthy should be satisfying and not stressful. Give us a call to set up an appointment to discuss how we can maximize your health through a whole foods plant based diet.

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