
The sweeper is coming.  You are 15 minutes ahead of cutoff.  There are still 25 miles to go.  You have been running for 75 miles.  How do you keep your head in the game.  Part of you, a lot of you, is saying negative things.  I’m cold, tired, I did pretty good, the odds are against me.  There is some truth to all of those things.  However, not one of those thoughts will get you to the finish line.  Those negative thoughts can pile up like stacked dominos set in motion.  The weight becomes unbearable and you concede.  How do you feel now?  Relieved? Probably not.  None of those doubts were solved.  There were a few people around you that finished.  What made them different?  What were they thinking? You can bet it was not negative thoughts and they were probably more like you than not. 

That big glob of fat called the brain that sits on top of our shoulders is the control tower of our bodies and the outcomes we experience.  Is fate responsible for placing negative thoughts or positive thoughts in our brains?  Stay safe.  Do not get outside of your comfort zone and no one will see your weaknesses.  You see them.  They are haunting and grow over time. 

Why do so many people sit around and talk about the good old days when they were on top of their game.  When does it happen that you have to look at the past for contentment or success?  At some point your thoughts overwhelmed your ability to look ahead in the face of uncertainty.  Getting that back is only a thought away.  One thought and one step to health.  You faced uncertainty before and made it.  You were determined to achieve that outcome you are now so proud to look back on.  Let’s do it again.  Let’s begin with a walk.  Perhaps on your walk today, reflect on the sweeper.  Think of the positive steps to keep you in front of the sweeper.  There is still time. 


One response to “Blogpost:”

  1. This blog was a great way to start my day, along with a walk. Thank you for always making us think, motivating us and encouraging us to be our best! It always just starts with a step (in the right direction).

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