Blogpost: Walking to Fix Your Cholesterol

I read an article published by a Cardiologist this week that listed all of the combinations of medications to lower cholesterol and the percentages of reduction they achieved. There was not a a row for diet or exercise. He did not list the cost of those medications or the side effects. I have heard many times, my insurance is good and covers all my medications. No worries. But they do not cure hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol. The block in various ways the uptake or production of cholesterol by the body mainly using the liver. The liver is the work horse of the body when it comes to clearing toxins whether in your food, what you breath, or absorb through the skin. Now we add medications made to be take for the rest of your life to the equation. The majority of people with high cholesterol have it because their livers can no longer clear what they have accumulated.

The liver is struggling to keep up and we add medications for it to clear. It makes perfect sense. But what if there was a way that helped the liver to clear toxins and cholesterol. What if other cells in the body pitched in and did some work metabolizing all the excessive products we are accumulating. What if that mechanism slowed our intake of all those excessive products down. It is not what you are thinking. It is walking!

You have to do it everyday. You have to do it long enough to handle the day to day garbage and the garbage in the garage of your cells just sitting there gumming things up. It sounds too easy but it works. We are day 9 into our April walking challenge. If you are keeping up, you are starting to clear things out. Most of my members are walking right around an hour for their 3.1 miles. Some 10 minutes less. That walk sets the tone for the rest of the day’s intake for many. It cannot be seen as a license to indulge but an opportunity to clear metabolic waste products out. How much and how long do you have to walk depends on your health aspirations. There is not a minimum for success. It is daily, consistent efforts over time that increase your cardiovascular and muscular fitness to metabolize the accumulated wastes products of your body and to keep all systems functioning. What are you waiting on.

I would not have believed cholesterol could be dropped by just walking. That is until I observed it in a patient that literally walked off his elevated cholesterol and about 20 pounds. Let’s get walking.

  1. Reply

    I love everything you said in the blog. Walking is an underrated! Thanks for the push to say EVERY day!

  2. Reply

    Thank you so much for this blog post on Apr 9. I have learned something valuable today!

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