All Posts Tagged: positive motivation

Blogpost: Walking Challenge Participation

This month’s Wellness Practice Challenge is walking a daily 5k or 3.1 miles. I have encouraged people to post their documented walk distances and times each day on our private FB page. We have had several participants and even more people watching their posts. As the month has progressed, a few people have dipped their […]
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Podcast: Who is Taking the Risk and Who Benefits?

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.   Patients rights.  Informed consent.  Who really benefits from these concepts? If I inform you of the risks and benefits they are supposed to be to the best of my knowledge.  You would need to know the depth of my knowledge to fully understand that.  The other problem is when […]
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Podcast: Consistency and Nutrient Intake: Too much or not enough?

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  The key to most any improvement in health or performance is consistency.  Day after day, year after year, consistent implementations of actions that lead to a certain goal.  There is no stagnation.  There is only improvement or decline.  But how do we stay consistent?  Lofty goals are not great […]
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Podcast: Hurricane Free Food

Welcome! and Thank you for listening!.  Elsa is off the west coast of Florida, and I am reporting in as safe.  The threat of a hurricane adds some stress to daily life.  It also requires preparing for potential days without power.  It usually mean a few days inside watching the wind and the rain.  It […]
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Podcast: Pick Your Rewards Wisely

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Do you give yourself little rewards?  Cheat days? Treats for good behavior? Have you had someone give you rewards along the way for your biggest achievements?  I bet not.  It seems our “little rewards” along the way often derail our ultimate goals.  For the most part, people don’t regret […]
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Podcast: Treasure Coast Marathon with Hutch Strahm

Welcome and Thank you for listening!! I am joined on this episode with apprentice endurance athlete in training Pastor Hutch Strahm.  We ran the Treasure Coast marathon this past weekend together along with Michael Hubbard.  It was the first marathon ever for Hutch who had not run a step in many years.  He started his […]
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Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Plant based nutrition is a very effective method to reverse lifestyle diseases such as coronary artery disease, obesity, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.   Eating plant based and only plant protein sources is associated with a decrease in cancer and cancer recurrences.  People with kidney disease can have a slowing of […]
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Podcast: Process or Outcome?

Welcome! and thank you for listening.  Do you focus on the process or the outcome when it comes to goals or life changes.  How about your nutrition?  Is the authoritarian dogma slowing you down? Everyone wants to be healthy, but at what cost?  Can you have both?   I would like to share some perspective […]
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Podcast: Let me tell you about HOPE

Welcome! and Thank you for listening! Today’s episode is timely.  It is spring, and there is hope for new life as we emerge from winter.  There is hope that the COVID-19 virus is not a virulent as some would suggest and that the infected numbers are going down and people are getting well.  There is […]
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Podcast: Have You Eaten Your Flavonoids Today?

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  Everything we need for optimal health and wellness, we can get from plants.  We can grow plants sustainably and compassionately, as well as being able to provide enough food for all.  Plants make flavonoids as protection for themselves.  They can’t run from predators such as bugs, worms and poisons. […]
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