Podcast: Long Haul 100 Trail Run and Life Lessons

Welcome! and Thank you for listening 

I raced the Long Haul 100 Mile Trail Race this past weekend.  There were many surprises and challenges over the 31 hours and 5 minutes that it took me to cross the finish line.  In fact, there was a time when I did not think I would see or even care to see the finish line.  

Ultrarunning is any running event over 26.2 miles.  This one was 100 miles.  Six times through a 16.7 mile loop at Colt Creek State Park in Florida.  It was describes as grassy trails and hard pack jeep roads.  Mother nature added water and mud…. Lots of it. 

I want to thank my crew: Michael Hubbard, Lynda and Lew Albert, and Timaree Hagenburger.  Without them, the story would be much different.  They helped me and cared for me selflessly in cold, windy, conditions all day, all night, and into the next afternoon.  The best part is that we are all ready to do it again.  Just not tomorrow.  Thanks to Andy Matthews, the race director for his tireless efforts to put on a race in extreme conditions.  I hope he gets the mud out of his jeep wheels someday.  

I hope you enjoy my story of the Long Haul 100.  

Life is better when we do it together, and even better if we do it outside.  Visit a state park with your friends and family and you will see it is the best $3 you will ever spend. 

Music: Wake Me Up by Avicii


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One response to “Podcast: Long Haul 100 Trail Run and Life Lessons”

  1. Suzie Matthews Avatar
    Suzie Matthews

    Wow! What an unforgettable adventure and journey and story….I’m impressed with it all….had no idea how involved all of this was…a crew,a pacer, a this , a, that….
    Guess if it wasn’t for the mud you would have made better time but you did it…anyway….so proud of you and kudos to all your great help…….you are amazing!!!!!!

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