Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Addie Majnaric RDN and I ran the Houston Half Marathon this past weekend. She is 22 weeks pregnant and feeling great. Some would think eating plant based is not a good idea during pregnancy let alone running half marathons. In reality being pregnant is not a disease, but it is a time to optimize the mother’s health for her sake and the sake of the baby. There are reports of running a marathon in the last few weeks of pregnancy but changes in ligaments and and joints tend to make the last trimester not that comfortable for running. If you are not a runner, then pregnancy is not really the time to start. But, a walking program is an excellent idea. A plant based diet is an excellent way to get the needed fiber to develop a good microbial system in mom and her child. A baby receives more genes from the mother than father because of microbe genes. Junk food, low fiber diet leads to a microbe population that may be associated with more inflammation. We will talk about this and much more.
Exciting times are just around the corner. Join Addie and I for a Wellness Immersion vacation March 23-28, 2020 in sunny southwest Florida. It will be a fun filled week of plant based education, cooking, and exercise. There will be private consultations with both of us and hands on cooking technique experiences. It is a great time of year in Florida, so make your reservations now by going to doctordulaney.com and signing up.
Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com
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