Podcast: Sarasota VegFest Recap with Addie Dulaney Majnaric RDN

Welcome and thank you for listening. Today I am joined by Addie Dulaney Majnaric RDN to discuss our participation and experience at the Sarasota Vegefest. It was there first ever Vegefest and the organizers did a fantastic job. The turnout was marvelous as was the venders and variety of speakers. I would encourage everyone on their vegan or plant-based journey to attend their local vegefest. Often times the vegan and plant-based communities are not supportive of each other. I believe that hurts both communities. The aim of both is health. A healthier environment, a healthier community, and healthier animals. Seeing the different animal rescue groups shows us that all creatures need to be treated humanely and compassionately. This in turn strengthens a plant-based eater’s conviction to stay true and avoid animal products and question the ingredients and source of their food. A vegan eating junk food is not going to maintain the health needed to do the work needed to bring awareness to the plight of animals and the planet.
We had a great day at the booth meeting people from all over the Tampa Bay area as well as people new to the area. Many people were looking for support to continue their plant based journey and become healthy again. It was great to see the members of our practice sporting their “Our Heart Beets Plant Strong” shirts.
My talk showcased the success of our membership practice in developing a community of plant strong healthy people through education and nutrition classes. I presented a wide range in age of people enjoying the health benefits of a plant strong diet.
I hope you enjoy the podcast and check out our website at Email us at or Visit addie’s website at Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @Jaimeladulaney and Addie @naturallyrootednutrition.

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