Podcast: Mendocino 50K recap and more

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  The Mendocino 50K is in the books.  It was a great race with great support and great post race food.  It was great to do a vegan race and meet a lot of plant strong people.  

Slowly more evidence is coming out to support plant based nutrition in the prevention and reversal of disease.  This month’s JAMA links a high fiber intake to significant reductions in mortality, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and many cancers.  Besides colon cancer, there is a reduction of pancreatic, ovarian and liver cancers with a high fiber diet.  Only plants contain fiber.  To reduce your risk aim for greater than 50 grams of fiber daily. These levels cannot be achieved while filling up on meat, dairy and processed foods.  By eliminating animal foods you will also select for a more balanced and protective gut microbiota.  Eat your vegetables and fruit.

We are getting close to releasing our cookbook and will keep you posted.  I will be speaking at the Sarasota VegeFest May 4th.  Come by and say hi if you are in the area.  Check out the website at doctordulaney.com for information about the practice as well as a link to MamaSezz.com for some great plant strong meals delivered to your door.  Email me with questions at jami@doctordulaney.com.

Thank you for listening!


2 responses to “Podcast: Mendocino 50K recap and more”

  1. Congratulations on finishing the Mendocino 50k and improving you time over last year, well done!

    1. Dr. Dulaney Avatar
      Dr. Dulaney

      Thank you

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