Podcast: Protect the Asset; That is You

Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  If you are interested in following our running group; Plant Based Striders or joining in for free, head over Plant Based Striders.  

This podcast discusses how we can make our general health better in order to decrease the risk of lifestyle diseases or infectious diseases.  I also discuss the concept of risk/benefit.  We often forget that this concept applies to most aspects of life.  We tend to minimize the risk of behaviors and choices that we desire, and maximize the risk of others.  There are 660,000 deaths each year from cardiovascular disease.  The risk of a heart catheterization is 1% and a bypass up 5-10%.  Yet these procedures are done thousands of times each day without even a question of their potential benefit in many cases.  

Many people question the use of standard cardiac medications but look at supplements as a magic bullet.  I am a firm believer that adult onset diabetes and heart disease can be reversed in most people through nutrition, and I have seen it work.  However, I watch daily as intelligent people continue to choose otherwise. The answer?  Change is hard.  Being an Outlier is hard.  I hope you enjoy my discussion of why we need to support and encourage each other and become a we instead of them.  

Thank you for listening.  If you would like to become an online member of our program go to doctordulaney.com and sign up for a level one or two membership that allows you virtual access to my office and nutrition education kitchen.  


2 responses to “Podcast: Protect the Asset; That is You”

  1. I think you should play the theme music from Mission Impossible at the beginning/end of this podcast. I loved the “PROTECT the ASSET” (your health) analogy. What I have learned over time with you and your practice is that it is NOT impossible to eat plant based. It is a mindset that everyone can do with a little knowledge (your podcasts and blogs) and support (your practice). We are building a strong community through your nutrition classes in the office and now a walk run walk group out in nature . Thanks for helping me with this week’s mantra, if you want it…. you have to work for it. Next week’s will be, the more you do it… the easier it becomes. This is so true for running, lifting and eating plant based!

    1. Dr. Dulaney Avatar
      Dr. Dulaney

      Thank you, Great idea!

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