Podcast: Sarasota Vegefest and More

Welcome! and thank you for listening.  Addie Majnaric RDN and I attended the Sarasota Vegefest last weekend. We had an information tent, and I was on the physician’s speaker panel and 2 of our members were on the success story panel. 

I discuss our day and the panel discussions on this podcast.  Who goes to a Vegefest? What are they looking for?  The fact that a festival of any kind other than a health festival promotes health is unique.  In fact health festivals are usually not really health promoting but gadget and potion promoting festivals.  We were promoting the health benefits a plant based diet to prevent and reverse lifestyle diseases.  We were also showcasing the uniqueness of our practice.  We do not sell supplements or gadgets.  We do promote wellness.  We differ from coaching services in that our practice has a full time physician, nurse and dietitian to educate and to treat people in health and sickness.  

The information age is great in that anyone with internet access can search a disease and potential treatments.  Make your own diagnosis and get ratings of the recommended treatments.  It is great to get educated and ask questions.  However, navigating the literature and sorting out fact from fiction can be very difficult.  We look for what we want to hear.  We believe those with a dynamic personality or a hopeful or easier strategy.  That does not always serve us.  

I believe nothing beats the ability to communicate directly with a well trained staff.  If you would like to learn more about our medical practice that prevents as well as treats, check out our website at or email me at jami@doctordulaney with questions.  

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