Podcast: A Company with Compassion with an Emphasis on Health-Interview with the COO of Geostabilization International, Nathan Beard

Welcome! and Thank you for listening!.  I am showcasing GeoStabilization International in the podcast today.  I will be speaking with Nathan Beard, the COO of the company.  I am honored to have worked with the founder of the company, Bob Barrett on the addition of plant based nutrition to his Healthspan foundation.  This is a unique company in so many ways.  They are industrial leaders in geohazard stabilization in the North America as well as New Zealand.  But today, I would like to showcase their company for treating the 500 plus employees as family.  This not only refers to their compassion towards their employees and families, but the high expectations that they hold for their employees as one would hold for their children.  

Bob created Healthspan to provide resources and education to the the company family not only educating them on the health and environmental aspects of a plant based lifestyle but provides stipends for healthy food choices, grills, and slow cookers so the the employees can cook healthy meals at remote job sites.  There are stretching, strengthening, and yoga classes as well.  Most recently, he purchased our Plant Based Wellness Cookbook for any employee that desired one.  These things come at a price however.  The price is be your best and do the right thing.  Check your ego at the door and be respectful and humble.  These things are exemplified by Bob and the leaders of the company. 

I had the great pleasure of speaking with Nathan Beard who is the COO of the company.  Nathan is a graduate of the Air Force Academy where he played football and set olympic weight lifting records. He now competes as a CrossFit athlete in regional events as a vegan. Healthspan has hired Kendrick Farris an Olympic Weightlifter and vegan to be the director of their wellness program.  Nathan and I discuss the benefits of a healthy plant based lifestyle when it comes to dangerous work environments, weight lifting competitions and caring for ones family.

 I am sure you will agree that this is one of my most uplifting podcasts ever.  

Please feel free to email with any questions at  Visit the website at for information about our practice, the monthly newsletter, weekly blogs and especially the August Work Out Challenge.  You can also find a link to purchase our family cookbook: Plant Based Wellness Cookbook: Three Generations of family cooking. The Doctor, the Dietitian, and the Diva.  

Thank your for listening. Plant strong!

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