Podcast: Trade Offs

Welcome! and Thank you for listening!. 

There seems to always be a trade off.  In medicine, we call it risk versus benefit.  In life, it often refers to immediate gratification versus delayed gratification.  In training, it can be flexibility versus strength, or speed versus endurance.  Nonetheless we have to make these decisions every day in one form or another.  

I believe my job as a physician is to educate people on the choices they have, and allow them to make the best decision for themselves.  In order to do that most effectively, it is necessary to have a relationship with someone to understand their goals and desires.  

Are you doomed to overeating or making less that optimal choices?  Do you feel your behavior is impulsive at times?  I think we all have those times to some degree. I will give you some ideas on how you might expand your training to include nutritional choice training as well.  

I will give you my menu planning walk through ideas as well as some ideas on talking with SAD diet eating folks.  Go on over to to sign up for our newsletter.  This month we will be giving plant based hurricane preparation tips and much more.  

Don’t forget to get a copy of our cookbook for all of your favorite summertime recipes healthy plant based style!

Support a dog or two by purchasing some coffee from Grounds and Hounds.  The link below will get you a discount.!

Thanks for listening.  Happy Independence Day and God Bless America! We are not perfect, but we are still free. 

  1. Reply
    JIm Lee

    Great Pod Cast, the end , concerning urges , brings back your conference and “The Pleasure Trap” Co Author’s presentations, in the days before covd19.

  2. Reply
    Jane Dekkers

    Great podcast…as always… but really like your attitude toward ‘appropriate for age’!!

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